Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I have a mild obsession with the mini-mansard. This is a two story on 13th Street in Soulard. There are two different types of 2-story Second Empires.

Houses like le mansard enfant were designed to only be two stories, thus the fancy details on the second floor roof, windows,etc.

Others are two stories only because their third stories were destroyed, likely by the tornado of 1896. Homeowners just roofed over the 3rd story flooring material and that was it. My first house in Lafayette Square had a lost 3rd story. Because the mansard is missing, the only Second Empire details remaining are the brackets and dentil work. I've said it before, but I hate the paint color the new owners picked. YUCK!


  1. Is that a keystone retaining wall in front of the 13th Street mansard? I hate those prefab landscaping stones.

  2. Probably that mansard was designed by a godless cawmunis and constructed by similarly inclined enemies of the state. Actually, you put some aluminum siding up there, it would not look half bad. Pimp the whole thing with some nice Christmas lights and a large rural mailbox and you have a nice little investment property to help cover the mortgage on your house in Festus.
