Fortunately (or unfortunately) I can drink my way through any vacation. When John and I went to Europe on our honeymoon, we drank 1664 in Paris, Budvar and Pilsener Urquell in Prague and Spaten and Hofbrau in Munich. When we went to German Alps (Garmisch-Partenkirchen) for John's work, I drank as many awesome Bavarian (and Tyrol) beers as I could: Franzikaner, Stigl, Paulaner, Hacker Pschorr, Lowenbrau, Augustiner.
I make it a point to drink around any state I am visiting. Love the New Glarus Spotted Cow in Wisconsin and Summit in Twin Cities.
Here's my wrap up of my favorite Colorado beers. I don't know how the beer snobs view this stuff. I just liked these beers especially at hight altitudes.
Avery, Ellie's Brown Ale
Oskar Blues, Mamma's Little Yella Pils
Pug Ryan, Deadeye Dunkel
Now that we're out of the mountains, I plan to head to the Missouri mountains of BUSCH, my official youth sport watching beer.
**I tried to get all these spellings correct, but my apologies if I did not.