Stumbled across an old page on urbanstl.com with a bunch of pictures of Soulard's housing stock. Actually, the neighborhood association sent the information.
Most of the pictures were taken in the late 1960's/early 1970's. They are awesome. Let me know if you want the link.
Brief house history: built by a German named John Puff in 1886. He was a commodities guy and brokered the grain and hops supplies to the local breweries. Door on the side was a business entrance. It's a weird house because it's a central hall plan but the house, while it looks enormous, is only 2 rooms deep. Turns out this house was built on the back of the lot on Sidney street, perhaps illegally.
House went to Puff's daughter Christina Fath and her husband Conrad in the late 1890's when John died suddenly in California. They were all German Evangelical Lutherans and went to St. Marcus Church. I think that particular branch was absorbed by the UCC.
House was owned by some German Catholics through the 1930's but then was converted to a boarding house. It remained a boarding house (like when this pic was taken) until 2001 and was a popular place for the just-released-from-prison set.
I'm surprised by:
- lack of vegetation , street trees, etc.
- the house looks better than I thought it would have
- what's with the side entrance portico?
- thing you cannot see: the gutters were lined with asphalt and I now have major leaky and screwed up gutters.
- partial white picket fence? My neighbor to the south had some too until last year.
- Most of the features- chandeliers, mantles, etc.- were left intact and lovingly restored.
The whole set of pictures is fascinating. I'll try to post occasional pictures. I am starting with the best picture first.
And, don't think because I have posted a picture of my house you can come axe murder me. I have dogs, alarms and a 6'5" husband.